Dr. rer. nat. Chaitanya Anil Athale

"Heidelberg is hard to better for science and student-life. The city has a unique combination of an intimate and student-friendly town, together with a high-quality research atmosphere set in the picturesque valley of the Neckar, between rolling hills."
Derzeitige Institution: Div. Of Biology, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research
Pune, Indien
Schwerpunkt: Zytoskelett und Selbstorganisation von Zellen
Forschungsaufenthalte in Heidelberg: 11/2000-09/2003 Fakultät für Biowissenschaften,
Doktorarbeit am DKFZ
2005-2009 Postdoktorand am EMBL Heidelberg
06/2013 HAIreconnect
Links: Dr. rer. nat. Athale am Indian Institute of Science Education and Research
Kontakt: cathale@iiserpune.ac.in