Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

625 Jahre Ruperto Carola
15 Jahre Heidelberg Alumni International
Alumni-Jubiläums-Tage 2011

Programme - Saturday, June 25th 2011

On Saturday, June 25th 2011, the Festwoche opening event will take place at the Universitätsplatz and in the neighbouring buildings, including the Neue Universität, which was renovated with the help of the fundraising project "Dem lebendigen Geist. Neue Universität 2011+". The Reopening of the Neue Universität will take place in a ceremonial act to start the Festwoche. The University members are looking forward to celebrating together with you, the alumni, partners and friends of the Ruperto Carola.

KampagneNeue UniversitätNeuer HS 13

The Universitätsmeile invites you to get to know the departments and faculties in an unconventional way in the Altstadt. Institutes and other University buildings between Neue Universität and Marstall will open its doors for visitation and events.

Furthermore you can experience the Heidelberg Zooin a special way: with a guided tour with a zoo ranger! This offer is particularly suitable for families with children.

Unimeile in der AltstadtAlte UniversitätUnimeile in der Altstadt

The day finishes off with the Sommerparty in the Marstallhof. The rector of the University invites you, dear alumni, to celebrate a glittering summer night in extraordinary atmosphere.


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Questions or suggestions concerning this site: Philippe Bayer, Jella Friedrich
24 May 2018
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