Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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625 Jahre Ruperto Carola
15 Jahre Heidelberg Alumni International
Alumni-Jubiläums-Tage 2011


From 24th to 28th of June 2011, Alumni of the Ruperto Carola from all over the world met in Heidelberg to share the celebrations!
In 2011, there were two good reasons to visit the city of Heidelberg: the 625th anniversary of their Alma Mater and the 15th anniversary of Heidelberg Alumni International. Many Alumni used the opportunity to give their congratulations to the University in person. About 320 Alumni and friends including 40 countries of all continents accepted the invitation and spent some wonderful days in Heidelberg! All visitors enjoyed the magnificent all-round program no matter if they stayed for a longer time or just for one day in Heidelberg. Highligts of the Alumni-Jubiläums-Tage were the reception in the Aula and the Belle Etage at the Old University, the network meeting in the reopened rooms at the New University, the literary evening with Patrik Roth and the legendary Riverboat-Shuffle up and down the Neckar.


"Wir schwärmen immer noch alle von dem Alumni-Tagen"

(Prof. Dr. phil. Sandro Mario Moraldo, Italy)

"Mein allerherzlichsten Dank für die wunderbaren Tage, die sie "uns" alten Heidelbergern ermöglicht haben und die uns wieder in die Jugend versetzt haben. Ein Hurra auch für die meisterhafte und gelungene Durchführung Ihres anspruchsvollen und lehrreichen Programms."

(Abderrahman Filali, Morocco)

"Heidelberg is my second home and it is always a pleasure to go back there again"

(Dr. Pichai Tangsin, Thailand)

"Die Festwoche gab uns die Möglichkeit den Alumni des Netzwerks in gemeinsamer Erinnerung der Heidelberger Universität zu begegnen"

(Hanoun Madré, France)

"Es war einfach schön, meine alte Alma Mater in solchem Gewande zu erleben"

(Dr. med. Klaus Esrom, Germany)

"Heidelberg will always be my "geistige Heimat""

(Prof. Dr. Richard Jeske, USA)

"Danke für die sehr gute Arbeit, die uns Alumni aus der ganzen Welt wieder viel Freude und interessante Begegnungen ermöglichte"

(Odysseas Athanasiadis, Greece)

"Schade, dass ich nicht dabei sein konnte. Doch wenn ich noch mal in Heidelberg sein kann, werde ich im Alumni-Büro vorbeikommen"

(Ana Ida Cárdenas Tomazic, Chile)


Most Alumni had to say goodbye to Heidelberg yet after the Farewell-Event at the awesome inner courtyard of the HCA. The feedback for the Alumni-Anniversary-Days was highly affirmative and all participant are looking forward to visit their Alma Mater - the University of Heidelberg - again!


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Questions and suggestions concerning the site: Philippe Bayer, Jella Friedrich
24 May 2018
Images of participants
Further Reviews